Keep your personal number private

Never sign up with your real number

No more Ad calls or spam messages

Have multiple numbers from different countries

30-day money-back guarantee

What are virtual
phone numberes

A masked or virtual phone number is a number that isn’t tied to a specific mobile phone or landline. It routes incoming calls to your actual phone number without revealing it to the person on the other end of the line.

Why you should use virtual numbers

Problems with using your real phone number

Avoiding virtual numbers exposes individuals to a plethora of privacy and security risks. Conventional methods of sharing personal information leave individuals vulnerable to data breaches, identity theft, and unsolicited spam calls or messages. In contrast, virtual numbers provide heightened security measures, offering users protection against potential scams and fortifying their personal data against cyber threats. Sharing your real phone number to register on websites inadvertently grants website owners the opportunity to sell your number to criminals and telemarketers, perpetuating the risk of exploitation and unwanted solicitations.

Our Generated Numbers

Masked phone numbers offer more than just privacy; they also bolster security measures. For instance, We provide biometric authentication for routing 2FA codes through masked numbers. This extra layer of security ensures that sensitive information remains protected, as the codes are never sent directly to the user's actual phone, mitigating risks associated with tactics like SIM swapping.

We also allow you to choose a virtual number from over 15+ countries world wide, this number wont change and can receive sms.

Enhancing privacy with Virtual & Masked Numbers

Using virtual or masked phone number helps prevent annoying spam calls. When you use a masked number, you don't have to give out your real phone number. This stops spammers from bombarding you with unwanted calls. It's like having a protective shield for your phone number, keeping it safe from spam.

Sit back, relax, and sms in confidence

Our Generated Numbers

Instantly generate virtual numbers from over 15 countries or terminate them within seconds. These numbers can receive SMS messages and redirect calls, serving as virtual or masked numbers.

Receive and Send sms

Easily send and receive SMS messages using numbers from around the world, ideal for social media platforms and account registrations. Safeguard your personal information.

Available Countries of numbers

Situations to use Virtual Numbers

On Sign-ups

Whenever you sign up for a online platform or in a store. Protect your real data

Bypass Blocks

Some apps require a number from a specific country like China or the United States

Anti Ads/Spam

By not giving your real number out anymore, spam, mallware phising and ad calls will stop!


If posting on Craigslist, Airbnb or Facebook marketplace it wont expose your number

Frequently asked questions

Can I sms with my created number?

Yes, the functionality to send and receive SMS messages varies depending on the geographic location you select for your number. For US numbers, users are entitled to 100 free receiving and 100 free sending SMS messages. On the other hand, European numbers offer 10 complimentary sending SMS messages and unlimited receiving. Additionally, WhatsApp usage is free of charge.

Is there a limit to using Virtual Numbers?

There's no limit to the number of numbers you can create. However, you'll need to cover the associated fee yourself. It's important to note that this fee is charged on a monthly basis. Additionally, the complimentary SMS allowance is a total sum, not allocated per number.

Can I sign-up to all platforms with these numbers?

Our numbers should facilitate your login across all platforms, ensuring that you can receive SMS messages without any issues.

How much do Virtual Numbers cost? an fees associated?

The cost of our numbers varies depending on the region. While South American numbers may be more expensive, those from the US, UK, or Canada typically have lower costs.

Our numbers offer versatility in usage, as we don't limit the number of SMS messages you can receive or send, nor do we cap the number of numbers you can create. Instead of providing unlimited services at our expense, we maintain affordable pricing so that users can utilize any number according to their needs. On average, a number from the US costs around $1, with 100 SMS messages also priced at approximately $1.

European numbers average around $1.50 each, but offer unlimited SMS reception and compatibility with WhatsApp.