A place to store your data with privacy

1T of Encrypted cloud storage

Cloud Storage only accessible to you

Encryption for files, Images and videos

What is encrypted
cloud storage?

Encrypted cloud storage refers to the practice of storing data securely in a remote cloud-based server infrastructure while ensuring that the data is encrypted both during transmission and while it's at rest on the server. This encryption process scrambles the data into an unreadable format, which can only be decrypted by authorized users who possess the appropriate encryption keys.

Why you should use a Cloud Storage

The Risks of Unencrypted Cloud Storage

In today's digital age, relying on unencrypted cloud storage can pose significant risks. Without encryption, sensitive data such as personal photos or confidential business documents are vulnerable to unauthorized access and potential data breaches. Individuals may risk losing precious memories or falling victim to privacy violations, while businesses face the threat of intellectual property theft or regulatory penalties. Embracing encrypted cloud storage solutions is crucial for safeguarding data integrity and maintaining privacy.

Understanding Encrypted Cloud Storage

Encrypted cloud storage offers a robust solution to the vulnerabilities of traditional cloud storage systems. Utilizing advanced encryption algorithms, data is transformed into ciphertext, rendering it indecipherable to unauthorized parties. Both in transit and at rest, data remains securely encrypted, mitigating the risk of interception or unauthorized access. Encrypted cloud storage not only ensures data privacy but also fosters trust and confidence among users, empowering them to leverage cloud technology without compromising security.

Understanding Encrypted Cloud Storage

Encrypted cloud storage offers a robust solution to the vulnerabilities of traditional cloud storage systems. Utilizing advanced encryption algorithms, data is transformed into ciphertext, rendering it indecipherable to unauthorized parties. Both in transit and at rest, data remains securely encrypted, mitigating the risk of interception or unauthorized access. Encrypted cloud storage not only ensures data privacy but also fosters trust and confidence among users, empowering them to leverage cloud technology without compromising security.

The Value of Encrypted
Cloud Storage

Imagine having access to a vast digital vault capable of storing 1 terabyte of data securely across all your devices. With encrypted cloud storage, this becomes a reality. From photos and videos to important documents and applications, 1 terabyte offers ample space to store and manage diverse digital content. Whether for personal use or business operations, cloud storage facilitates seamless access and collaboration, enhancing productivity and flexibility. Embracing encrypted cloud storage empowers individuals and organizations to harness the full potential of the digital landscape while prioritizing data security and accessibility.

Accessible on all Apple and Android devices.

Protect all types of files

Make different vaults for saving and sharing pictures, videos, or files on different devices. Only you can get into these safe places because they're locked securely and encrypted.

1 terabyte of storage capacity.

With your subscription you get 1 Terabyte of encrypted cloud storage, of course we allow you to upgrade and get more storage if needed so you can always save all your pictures, videos, or files in the same cloud.

Seamless Protection & Privacy
for your files

Encryption works with any file

Whether it's documents, Images or videos, we encrypt files of any size or type, ensuring comprehensive protection.

Cross-platform access

Access your encrypted cloud storage across all devices, including macOS, Windows, iOS, Android, and web browsers.

Save device space

Optimize device space by choosing where to store encrypted files: locally, in the cloud, or both, with easy retrieval whenever needed.

Enhanced security methods

Benefit from double-lock security, biometrics, physical keys, and single-use backup codes for added protection.


Rest assured that your data remains private with WhyNotPrivacy’s zero-knowledge architecture, ensuring confidentiality.

Protection from ransomware

Protect files from ransomware and malware threats with our robust encryption and cloud backup solutions.

Frequently asked questions

Is there a limit of cloud storage?

Cloud storage has its limits, which are largely determined by your preferences and needs. While theoretically unlimited storage is possible, practical considerations make it technically and financially challenging. If you require more than 1TB of storage, upgrading your monthly subscription is necessary.

How do I encrypt my files?

Once uploaded to our cloud, your files will undergo automatic encryption. This ensures that when you log in from any of your devices, you can decrypt the files, while preventing unauthorized access from others.

Do I have to install a separate program?

No, additional apps or programs don't need to be installed, as everything is conveniently integrated into a single app and platform.

How long does WhyNotPrivacy keep deleted files?

By default, deleted files stay in the trash bin for 30 days. Altough you could email us and we would be able to lower or increase the time your specific files are stored.